3 Natural Ways to Beautiful Skin

     Most people desire to have a beautiful skin and think that it is difficult to achieve. Fret not, you will be surprised at how easy it is for you and the things you can do to help you achieve a beautiful and radiant skin. I will show you the steps you can take in your daily life and soon you will be on the way to looking good and youthful skin.

1. Water

Water is so important for our body. Each molecule of water consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atoms that are essentials for our body. Why drinking water is important? Our body is made up of 60 to 70 percent of water.

Your body needs water to help you to regulate your body temperature and to allow the nutrients in travel to every parts of your organs. Water also help to transport oxygen to your body cells, and help remove waste and protect your joints and organs. As a guide, you must drink 8 - 10 glasses of water daily to maintain a good health
Most people doesn't know the proper way to drinking water and they drink water when they are thirsty. But, you should drink water hourly to ensure that your body is never dehydrated.

 This is because when you are thirsty, your body cells are already dehydrated and are crying out for water. Also note that you do not drink the entire glass of water at one go. This is because our body cells are very tiny and they could not absorb too much water at any one time.

2. Eating Fruits The Correct Way

We all think that eating fruits means simply buying fruits, cutting it and just popping into our mouths. You will be much more benefit-ted if you know how to eat it correctly. Fruits should be taken in empty stomac and not as a desert meal as is often done. If you eat fruits this way it will also serve a active role role to help you to detoxify your system, supply you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and for other life activities. Eating fruits after meal will bloat your stomach and blocked your intestines and takes longer to digest. Graying hair, balding and nervous outburst, dark circles under the eyes – all this will not happen if you take fruits in empty stomach.

Eating the pulp or the whole fruit is far better than drinking the juice as the fibre is good for you. If you drink the juice, drink mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it.
A 3-day “fruit fast” is a very simple and very effective way to cleanse and de-toxify your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruits juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.

3. Exercise

Exercise is the single most effective way to boost circulation and it has immediate as well as long term effects. When you exercise, the heart rate triples, blood volume increases and the amount of oxygen in our body multiplies, feeding the smallest capillaries in our skin. Exercise also helps to clean the body out by increasing the elimination of toxins through the lungs in air and through the skin in sweat.

Sweating helps not only to clear the skin of debris, but also to lubricate it, a valuable function as it ages and dries. Exercise greatly benefit our lymph flow. Unlike the blood, which has the heart to shift it around the body, the lumph has no internal pump so it relies on bodily movement to keep it flowing.

The 3 steps I laid up is so simple and easy to follow and doesn't cost you much. If you follow it consistently, soon you will be on your way to beautiful skin.

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